Fine Arts.
THE artists are all busy putting the finishing touches to their pictures for the forthcoming exhibitions ; and their labours are sweetened by the preliminary praises of private......
Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland. The Sketch-Book of the South. Thaumaturgia, or Elucidations of the Marvellous, by an Oxonian, is a collection of facts, anecdotes,......
The Resources And Statistics Of Nations, Part Iv.
KNOWLES'S Critical Fac - simile and Pronouncing Dictionary, Parts and IV. These two useful publications—for useful they are, if they possessed far greater defects than any that......
Panorama Of Jerusalem, Leicester Square.
NEXT to an actual visit to a place, there is nothing like a panorama to convey . a vivid impression of reality. What the illusion of the diorama effects in the instance of an......
A Letter To Sir 11013ert Peel, By Sir Edward Cust,
on the architecture of our public buildings,—in which he recommends the institution of a sort of Architectural Board of Control, to be com- posed of five amateurs, as a remedy......
History And Biography.
A Translation of the Count F. V. Bannacovi's Compendium of the Literary History tf Italy until the Formation of the Modern Italian Language. The Twelfth Volume of Scott's Prose......
Pierce Falcon, or the Outcast ; a novel, in 3 vols. Social Evils and their Remedy, by the Rev. CHARLES B. TAYLER. No. VII. The Soldier : a tale whose object is to illustrate the......