Captain Pechell Was Dismissed Yesterday From His Post Of...
to the Queen, in consequence of his vote in favour of Lord Joni( RUSSELL'S motion. It is difficult in these times to play the courtier and the patriot too.......
The Courier Oh Monday Published A Correct Epitome Of The
Report of the Corporation Commissioners. The Report itself, after lying for a week in Mr. GOULBURN'S office, was then produced in the House of Commons. The Commissioners do not......
POSTSCRIPT SATURDAY. Lord 3 . N RUSSELL'S resolution ought to have been agreed to in the Corm it: e of the House of Commons last night. The subject was thoroughly exhausted :......
Among The Many Things For X !rich We Have Been
unable to make mom this week, is the concludin g notice of the Vocal Concerts. - _......
Mr. Andrew Johnstone Absented Himself From The Division...
morning ; and lust night alleged as an excuse for his backslid- ing, that he wished to give Ministers a fair trial, and that the Opposi- tion was a rope of sand. Now, we leave......
Lord Amherst has been sppointed Commissioner to Canada, in the room of Viscount Canterbury. Lord Eliot has left town on a special mission to Madrid. It is said that the main......
The Desperate Position Of The Ministry Has Naturally...
to speculations on the composition of the Cabinet, which it is supposed must soon be formed to succeed them. Nobody doubts that Lord MELBOURNE ought to be restored to the......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The division in the House of Commons last night has not produced any effees upon the Money Market. Consols for Account are now 911 92, which......
The Theatres.
TIIE LYCEUM. THE old proverb, " too much familiarity breeds contempt," is unfor- tunately realized in the Suite de tAuberge des Adrets ; and Robert Ma- (vire, in the......
East India Shipping.
Arrived—Off Margate. April 2.1, Y the. Dmyner, from China. Oil Peal, 21, Alex Roing. St. Croix, from China. At Portsmouth, 1st, Henry Wellesley, Johtl: , 011. front Ceylon. At......