The Courier OH Monday published a correct epitome of the
Report of the Corporation Commissioners. The Report itself, after lying for a week in Mr. GOULBURN'S office, was then produced in the House of Commons. The Commissioners do not suggest specific or detailed remedies for the abuses which their inquiries brought to light ; but they assert distinctly that the "Municipal Corporations of England and Wales neither possess nor deserve the confidence and respect of the community ; and that a thorough reform must be effected before they can become what they ought to be, useful and efficient instruments of local government." How far the Tory Ministers are disposed to act in accordance with the spirit of the Report, may be guessed a': from the mo. tion of Mr. Secretary GOULBURN last night, for a copy of the protest of Sir FRANCIS PALGRAVE "in the matter of the Report !" It is well known that Sir Faancis has committed himself by a book in favour of a restoration of the old municipal system, in preference to that thorough purging of it, and the substitution of the representative principle, which true Reformers desire to see effected. Therefore it is thatMr. Secretary GOULBURN, whom no human being can suppose to be a sincere Reformer, is desirous of giving importance to the individual and pre- conceived notions of one of the Commissioners, in opposition to the Judgment of all his colleagues. The country will see through Mr. Goutaultres tactics, without difficulty, and add this to the accumulated mass of motives for seeking the removal of the Tory Government.