STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The division in the House of Commons last night has not produced any effees upon the Money Market. Consols for Account are now 911 92, which was the closing price of yesterday. The fluctuation of the week has been between
and 924. Bank Stock is about two per cent, higher than our last quota- fion ; but the transactions in the English Money Market have been very limited.
Every day brings corroborative proof that the fear of an impending political crisis, forced on by the adhesiveness of the present Ministry to office, is operat- ing to prevent a rise in the English Funds. Wherever a foreign demand exists for Public Securities, the Foreign Funds' because to a certain degree unin- fluenced by the political state of affairs at home, have risen continually for the last few months; while the price of Consols has been nearly stationary. Hence, as all hope of lessening the public burdens by a favourable conversion of Stock, must be postponed till the party at present in power are got rid of, it is not an exaggeration to say, that they are as much the hindrance of financial, as they are enemies of national improvement.
In the Foreign Market, a tone has been given to Spanish Securities by the
mission of Lord ELIOT to Spain : that nobleman, it is understood, has Leen despatched by the Secretary for Foreign Affairs to effect an arrangement be- tween the contending parties in the Peninsular. The price of Spanish Ponds has been as high as 65L' and after retrograding to 65, closes this afternoon al 65a L. The demand for Passive and Deferred Stock has continued with slight variations; the price of the Deferred is 301, and that of the Passive 191. The confirmation of the intelligence (to which we alluded in a recent publica- tion) that the Portuguese Government had obtained a 3 per cent, loan for the purpose of paying off the 6 per Cent. Stock created last year, has given an impulse to the Bonds which are at 95'4 96. A bargain has been effected in the new 3 per Cent. Stock to-day at 72; but we are still unable to give our readers any particulars as to the amount or conditions of the loan; the only point we are enabled to ascertain being that the contract has been made with the house of ROTIISC II I LD.
The Continental Securities continue to improve. The South American Stocks have also risen considerably during the last few days; but we are not aware of any reasons for this improvement, except those furnished by the san- guine spirit of speculation.
The Consol Market has improved since yesterday, and with it the pi ices of the various Foreign Securities. Spanish Stock has risen more than one per cent., as have the Portuguese Bonds. The various South American Securities are also considerably higher—Columbian being 4.4 ; Chilian 56 to 57, and Mexican 46i. We understand that the late rise in these Stocks is attributable to some considerable orders for purchase having been received from the United States. The approaching recognition of the Republics by Spain being consi- dered there as very favourable to their future financial prospect.
3 per Cent. Consols 92/ Dutch 21 per Cent • 56,1 Ditto for Account 9214 French 3 per Cents New 3/ per Cent. Annuities 99/ 100 Greek, 1833. 5 per Cents —
Bank Stock for Account .... 2194 / Mexican 6 per Cents. 464
India Stock for Account .... Portuguese per Cents
Exchequer Bills
Do.RegenevSerip,5perCent 971 /
Belgian 5 per Cents 1.9 103 Russian, I q22, 5 per Cent .. Ittz' 1 I
Brazilian 5 per Cents 56/ 87 Spanish, 1821, 5 per Cent.. fait 1 D Ditto New Scrip 5 Cent.... 8,1 9 anish 3 per Cents 761 /