Our Prayer-Book : its History, Literature, and Church Lore. By
J. W. Hardman, LL.D. (Skeffington.)—This is a remarkably interesting book, which must not be confounded with the ordinary manual. It abounds with curious lore and learning. Any one familiar with the service, who reads it will find himself sensibly enriched by what it tells him. The "Order for the Administration of the Holy Communion" is a specially excellent chapter ; but the whole is good. There is a story, under "Baptism," of Dean Burgon refusing to christen a child " Venus " (it was a boy, by- the-way). He was told that the child's grandfather had the name. The old man was sent for, and it tamed out that he was " Sylvanua," but called " Venus " for short. Venus is not an un- known name for girls in England, and might pass as well as Diana.