4 APRIL 1891, page 2

A Telegram Of April 2nd From Sydney, With The Text

of the Australian Federation Bill, was published in the Tinto of Friday. The Federation is not to be styled a Dominion, but "the Commonwealth of Australia," an older title......

Prince Jerome Napoleon In His Will Has Disinherited His...

son, and indicated Prince Louis as his proper successor in the headship of the Bonaparte family. This recom- mendation is, however, not binding, and on March 31st the family......

Sir Henry Jaines Made A Very Eloquent Speech At Belfast

on Wednesday to the Liberal Unionists, the chief text of which was Mr. Gladstone's description of the modern op,. ponents of Home-rule in Ulster as " degenerate " descendants of......

Mr. Chamberlain Attributed The Reduction Of Pauperism By...

cent., and of committals for crime by nearly 30 per cent., chiefly to popular elementary education, and he earnestly advocated the abolition of fees in every elementary school......

An Assassin, Probably A Macedonian Devoted To The Late Major

Panitza, on March 27th resolved to avenge his late leader's execution by murdering M. Stambouloff, the Premier of Bulgaria. Meeting him and M. Beltcheff, Minister of Finance, as......

Mr. Chamberlain Made An Excellent Speech At Portsmouth On...

He quoted Mr. Gladstone's determination not to allow Mr. Parnell under any circumstances to be the future ruler of Ireland, and praised it as a very noble deter- mination. But......

The Cork Jury In The Tipperary Case Acquitted Some Of

the accused and disagreed about others. Hence Mr. John Morley maintains that, in fact, they found the official charges false. They found no such thing. What they did find was,......