The Magazines.
"THE Savoy Dynasty, the Pope, and the Republic," by "A Continental Statesman," which is the first article in the Con- temporary Review, is one of those pretentious papers the......
The Gordon Reader. (got& And Gomme )—perhaps Too Much Has
been made of the work of General Gordon ; and we are not quite certain that the compilers of this Reader would not have accomplished their task better had they not made that......
The Care Of The Sick. By Dr. Th. Billroth. (sampson
Low.)— Mr. J. Bentell Emlean has published a translation of this work, which is well known on the Continent, and which has already gone through three editions. Dr. Billroth, as......
Genera Gordon, The Christian Hero. By Major Scion...
Nisbet and Co.)—It may be doubted if another biography of the hero of Khartoum was needed or is desirable, even although the author of this volume seems to have been able to......
Current Literature.
THE Mngon MAGAZINEB.—The most noticeable, though not perhaps most notable, article in an admirable number of the Forum is "Do We Hate England ?" by Bishop A. Cleveland Coxe. It......
Messrs. Cassell And Co, Have Issued For The Atlas Publishing
Company the first part of The Universal Atlas, which is to be com- pleted in twenty-eight parts. The first gives " general " maps of Europe and France, and smaller maps of Egypt......