4 FEBRUARY 1837, Page 11



The operations of the Runk Directors have been tie absothing topic of inte- rest during the entire week ; and the valise of the Public Securities has been dependent ilium the rumours that from time to time pro-ailed, as to the course that body are about to adopt with rt •epteet to the sale of the 1)eadee weight, and the augmentation of the rate of discount ; both which subjects would, it was ex- pected, be decided at the usual weeLly meeting of the Directors, Lek! yesterday : but it is malerstood that no decision was conie to upon tithe! mailer. It was generally believed that negotiations: hail been entered Lim bet weep the Bank and some of the principal Fusin:time- edrces, for the purchase of some portion of the Dead-weight; and that one of them, the Equitable, had agreed ra invest part of their large Mails, to the extent of 1,01.0,0cht. ::; ehls se,•ority ; but that, on reference to their deed of settleauent, it teas found I!: It the terms of it were not such as would adnoit of an investment of this character ; and the negotiation has la en therefue letoken (di. The annuity was threred at the rate of 17/. 5s. for every 1/. annuity : this, eumpar,..1 with :lie price of Long An- nuities, is rather under its real value, which will tie fund to be that com- pounded of the recent value of the Long .heinteithes, Seidl twenty-three yeara to run, and the present t•alate of an aneat:ey for seven years to commence twenty-

three years helece ; both svitiele terms twetey-tieree and seven yeats taken together make up the limited thirty yeas s, or the elut-tion to the Dead-weight Annuity.

The present value ' f 1/. per annum Leeg annuities, is £14 17 g The present value of an annuity of hi. far seven '.cars, to commence twenty•three y,ems lutan•e, reckoning interest at -1 per cent. per 1_.annum, the rate which Long Annuities n.ess• eieid, is 8 8

:Making 17 (1 t.t

The value of 1/. per annum of the Dead. weigiot Annuity. t:ousitletable tun' prise was excited on Tuesday, by a report that the aelek of England had been tedisconnting some of the bills Liven wieiele, ia t:a•ir el. tric•uer fru:kers, they had previously !Heed,. ;el; ale en,:u.•eet el:ea...met-broker in L0711- irtrtl Street—this eiretmestaneue 10 ;tog without a peirallel in the leistoty of that establishment ; hot WA: that the real veisiou of the ans./v on is, that the house its quiet/ion (Messts.F. a I su and t: AN I. ) iiumg a quantity of unemployed looney, requested the Haul; I )ircetott. to !:,•rnia. rhea' to withdraw some of the bills whieh they lead recently el:sem:mod et the ltatok ; and it Was from a mi.reprv.entati.,p of this circumstance tl. A ruitemer arse 0. It is of little import: tiee which version of the triensaceiect is correct ; and we should not have mentioned it at all, but Mr the purpose of illustrating the degree of watchfulness With which all the proceedings of the 'hank of Emmglaud are at prt•sent regarded. The sales of Exchequer Gills on behalf of the Bank have continued at intervals during the week, but their effect upon the market has been counteracted by the desire for int-a-411cent in these secnritie t, mach has been evinced by the public. In flee enure of yesterday especially, some huge purchases occurred, m anicipation of an extensive funding. 1 he supply of Stock has been ample dining the lust few days and the price for Aluney eta

now 1-8 to 3.16 below that for Account. Bank Stock improved upon the meeting of Parliament; the prevalent (but too sanguine) opinion being, that among the first measures of the session will be some enactment of a restrictive nature with respect to Joint Stock Banks, which must to a certain extent be advantageous to the Bank proprietary. In the Foreign Market, the business has been chiefly confined to Spanish Stock ; the price of which has declined about 1 per cent. The Market has been thus depressed principally by sales on Foreign account; there' being scarcely one of the Foteign Markets in which Active Stock cannot be purchased at 1 per cent. below our present (Flotations. The market has, however, been supported in un extraordinary manner against these operations, by the antici- pation of the speculators here of a speedy resumption of operations against the Carlists, to which the change of policy recently adupted by the French Ca- binet has given increased probability of success. loess

Portuguese Bonds have improved, in consequence of some purchases having been effected nit the receipt of the late intelligence from Lisbon, and the remit- tance of 10,0001. from thence to repay pint of the advances made by our capi- talists for the purpose of paying the last dividend.

The European Continental Stocks have not valied very materially.

The South American arc also steady. The market for Railway Shares has evinced considerable feebleness, and A.01)0: of the varieties have been much depressed ; the London and Birmingham h:ing 101. ; the Great Western from 21. to 3/. ; and the Southampton about 21. lower than last week.

SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLocx. Very little has occurred here this morning. Consuls are, however, A per cent. higher than yesterday ' • the price for money being 894 4, and for Account 89L 00. The premium on Exchequer Bills has also improved 1 ; the price to-day having reached 23. Bank Stock is lower, and has been done at 207 and 207. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock is steady at 25A, as ate all the current varieties at yesterday's quotatie:.s. The Railway Share Market is also in a quiescent state, and we have scarcely any transactions to report to-day. London and Birmingham is quoted 50 to 55 prem., and has been done at 52, which is 181. a share below the prices of last week ; Great Western are 10/. prem., and Southampton M. dis. ; Greenwich are Off dis. to par.

SATURDAY, FOT:R O'CLOCK. We cannot quote any variation in the prices of the Foreign or English Funds ; all of them being, with the exception of Consols, which area per cent. lower, at our morning quotations. Nothing of importance has occurred in the Railway Shares dui mg the afternoon.

3 per Celt!. Consols 94 7 Danish 3 per Cents 751 61 Ditto for Account S91 90 Dutch 21 per Cents 511 3 per Cent. Reduced 901 * Mexican 0 per Cent 24 25

New 31 iwr Cent Arms eir.div 97i i Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts 44 9 Bank Stock 2071 Ditto 3 per Cont. 311 1 India Stock 254 Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip . 511 2 INehetitier Bills 26 28 pm Prussian (1818)5 per Cent .. .---- Belgian 5 per Cents 1011 Rtwsiau OS22)5 per Cent... 1101 1 UlaZiliall a per Cents 831 6 Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 251