There Is A Report From Spain, That Alai,: Has Defeated
the Carlists ; and another, that the Carlists have routed ALAIX. Which is true?......
The Present Lord Lovat Is, It Seems, The First Catholic
who has been Created u Peer since the Revolution in 1688. Sir George Murray has addressed a letter to the Morning Chronicle, contradicting the statement of Colonel Napier that......
Sir James Graham, and other Members of the House of Commons, had a conference on Tuesday with Lord Stanley, at his Lordship's mansion in Carlton Gardens.—Courier. [ Who were the......
The Ship Mexico, Winslow, From Liverpool For New York, Was
wrecked off Long Island on the night of the 27th of December. There were 119 persons, chiefly steerage passengers, on board ; and only the Captain and two seamen and five......
SATURDAY. GREAT offence has been given to our Gallic neighbours by the omis- sion to mention France in our King's Speech. The papers received this morning from Paris complain......
Last Night, The House Of Commons Exhibited Symptoms Of...
from the lethargy which pervaded nearly the whole body for the first three days of the session. Irish politics (as was likely enough) afforded the first stimu- lus. Mr. Sergeant......
The Renfrewshire election has ended in a Tory triumph. The polling commenced on Ft ides , morning; and at the close of that day, the numbers in the several districts stood as......
The Army
WAR - OFFIPE, Feb. 3.-4th Light Dragoons—Lieut. J. Miller, from the 8th Light Drags. to be Limit. vice Husband, who exchanges ; Lieut. T. t.haa to be Adjultant. Nice Gordon, who......