4 FEBRUARY 1837, page 11

Saturday Night.

In reference to the practice of creating fictitious votes and oppress sing tenants in Scotland, who refuse to support their landlords' can- didate, the Courier publishes a......

It Is Reported To-day That Mr. Justice Gazelee Retires From

the Bench ; that the Solicitor-General is to he the new Judge, and Mr. Sergeant Wilde is to be Solicitor-General; but we do not vouch for the truth of the report.—Courier.......

The Standard To-night Remarks, Fairly Enough, That If...

BOURNE agrees to the demands of the Dissenters respecting Church- rates, he abandons the principle of a National Establishment. But his Lordship cannot help himself: the......

Mr. E. Ls:emu:at: Chart.ton . S Capture By The Lord...

on Friday night, has put a new fie e on his contempt of the Great Seal. The Tories, who now-a-days will help any one out of a mess, were raising a distinction between the......

The News Of The Close Of The Poll In Renfrewshire,

fell in the Reform Club, on Monday, like an unexpected thunderbolt. We Loped to have been able to 'give this week a detailed expose of the causes of the Tory triumph ; but......

Lord Stormont Having Given The Norwich Tories The...

Marquis of Docao has been invited to stand with Mr. SC.tat.ETT at the next election. In Norwich, money is the one thing needful. Had he possessed plenty of money, Lord......

The Sagulli Chronicle, Received This Morning, Mentions...

Kssociation of Bury St. Edmund's has passed resolutions in favour of the Ballot. The country is now beginning to rouse itself on this subject, feeling that the time is come.......

Last Night, The House Of Commons Exhibited Symptoms Of...

from the lethargy which pervaded nearly the whole body for the first three days of the session. Irish politics (as was likely enough) afforded the first stimu- lus. Mr. Sergeant......

Money 1%1 Ark Et.

STUCK EXCHANGE, FUIDAY AFTERNOON,. The operations of the Runk Directors have been tie absothing topic of inte- rest during the entire week ; and the valise of the Public......