1,,,ve no novelties to notice at any of the Theatres this week. The .Dnuav LANr. fills nightly at the reduced prices, with the attractions of °petit and ballet. The Mountain Sp/ph is running a new career of ,dopul rity ; and the production of Ricers opera at the Lyceum has :..nrni,:.ed a good excuse for reviving BALIE'S Siege of Rochelle, as occasion for a puff of the composer. DVVLItNAY has now tinial her back on the theatre, instead of the audience the Devil it Two Sachs will be but a hobbling business without her. Mr. Foaansr, the American tragedian, is to reappear on Monday, in (tilt, .'10. We bear that his Virginias, which was the last character lie playe,!, had some fine parts it. At CoveNT GARDEN, VANDLNHOFF has been the leading tragedian this k or two past, owing to Macat:Aoy's illness. The bills, by the hy. have ceased to bulletin the state of MACIMADVS health, and Lis Ti; me and that of Mr. Bumma's play have disappeared altogether. In the mean time, 'I'. I'. CocKE is engaged, as a star, and is to shine forth in black-Eyed Susan on Monday. The Country Squire is now an tfterpieee ; and in that position we shall be glad to see it stand its ;maid during the remainder of the season. VESTR15 and Lisros, who have both been laid up—with influenza, like )11ACItl:.11)Y, we suppose—have now recovered; and The Two Fi- t.arp and Riquel with the Tr ft go oil with their accustomed liveliness. Beautiful its those pieces are to the eye merely, with their sumptuous and eharat teristic costumes, the spirit of VESTALS and LtsroN are es- sential to the true enjoyment of them. At the Sr. JAMLS'S, the Lord if the Manor is revived, with a tole- rable cast, as a first piece ; 71/. Enchanted Horn, with BILAILOI us Sir Hewn, and Mr. Lsry1.1:n it. The Quaker, have made up the amuse- anents of the week. Both Bamtan and BONN anoonnee The Postilion, a comic opera of Auot.ei;e Aimat, who composed the music of the .tamous ballet of Faust.
At the Aut:Leue Jun Crow and the Bedouin Arabs continue to atnraet. The A rubs are s•irprisinig tumbler,, certainly: the ease with which they perform their feats is no less marvellous than the extraordi- nary feats themselves.
Fiearu is announce.' to give eclat to the last week of the Opera Buffa at the Lyceum. The cast app:.ars to be a very valet; ve one. Whitt It pity that this chef d'aurre has been so long kept back!