4 FEBRUARY 1837, Page 14



Rambles in Egypt and Candia; with Details of the Military and Resources of those Countries, and Observatioes on the Government, Policy, and Commercial System of Mohammed Ali. By C. Rochfort Scott, Captain H.P. Royal Staff Corps. In 2 vole A View of the Present State of the Question as to Steam Communication a ith India. With a Map, and an Aipendix, containing the Petitions to Parliament,

and other Documents. By Ca ain Melville Orindlay Smith and Elder.

A Letter to the _Right Hon. Sir oho Cam 1101,1touse. Bart. M.P President of the

India Board, &c. &c. on Steam Navigation with India, and suggesting the hest Mode of carrying it into effect via the Red Sea. By Captain James Barber, II.C.S.


Frertox, Falkner ; a Novel. By the Author of" Frankenstein," The Last Man." &c. In 3 vols.

Saunders and °ley.

Manuella, the Executioner's Daughter. A Story of Madrid. In 3 sole Bentley.