4 FEBRUARY 1837, Page 7

Bill for taking Votes by Ballot at Elections for Members

of Parliament-Mr. GROTF,

March 7.

Bill to Regulate Expenses at Elections-Mr. Hems. February 7. Bill to Amend the Law relating to Controverted Elections-Mr. Ctranbes BULLER, February 8. Bill to Extend the present Suffrage to Household Suffrage-Mr. Hums, April 11. Bill to Abolish the Rate-paying Clauses in the Reform Act-Mr. T. BUNCOMBE, March 9.

Bill to Amend the Laws relating to the Property Qualification of Members of Par- liament-Sir WILLIAM Morwswowrit, February 14. Bill to Repeal the Septennial Act-Mr. D'EVNCUURT, February 29. Committee to Inquire into the best mode of Reforming the House of Lords-Sir WIL- LIAM Motsswowria, March 14. Bill to Abolish the Low of Primogeniture-Mr. EWART, April 4.

Resolution against Voting try Proxy ; to be communicated to the Lords-Mr. T. BUN-

COMBE, March 16.

Bill to establish a system of National Education-Mr. ROEBUCK, March 2.

Address to the Crown to appoint a Minister of Education-Mr. (;WART. April 19.

Address to the Crown for a Commission to inquire iutu the state of Oxfura and Cam- bridge-Mr. Paeme, February 23. Motion with regard to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge-Sir WILLIAM MOLESWORTII, May 30.

Bill to provide for the better Custody of the Public Reconls-Mr. C. BULLER, Fe-

bruary 22. Bill to Abolish Penny Stamp on Newspapers-Mr. ROEBUCK, April 13.

Bill to Establish Local Courts-Mr. Roxiivee, February 14. Bill for the. Abolition of Grand Juries-Mr. Pavia e, February 23. Bill to Amend the Patent LAKS-Mr, MACKINNON, February 14. Committee on the 1.aw of Benefit Societies-Mr. BARLOW (toy. February 16. Bill to Amend the Law of Libel-Mr. O'CoNxera„ February S.

Motion on the Poor-law-Mr. WALK Eft, Felewtry 20.

Bill to amend the Laws relating to Property in Copyright-Mr. Sergeant TAISOURD. April 20.

Select Committee on Military Punishments-Major FANCOURT, February 23 Return of the Inc Brevet-Mr. Ilene, February 7.

Motion for the Repeal of the Corn-Laws-Mr. CLAY, March 16. Repeal of the Duty on Raw Cotton-Mr.MARK Pin ma es, March 14. Repeal of the rax tot Soap-Mr. GILLUM, March 23.

Bill for the Disposal of Colonial Waste Lauds, with a view to the formation of an Emigration Fund out of their proceeds-Mr. WARD. February 21. The State of Lower Canada-Mr. LEADEN., February 23,

Bill for Manning the Navy without having recourse to Impressment-Mr. BUCKING- HAM, March 23.

Reduction of the Duty on Marine Insurances-Mr. RoenesoN, March 2. Bill to Alter the law relating to Mortgages on Ships-Mr. G. F. Youso, February 23. Bill to Restraint all open Desecratiou of the Lord's Day-Sir ANDREW AGNEW, April 27.

Bill to Remove Saturday and Monday Fairs and Markets to other days-Sir AN- anew Aestxw, April 27.


Among the petitions for Private Bills, presented on Wednesday, were the following.

London and Brighton Railway, Stephenson's line; Ditto Rennie's ; Clarence Dur: ham Railway ; (all three referred to Committee on Private Bills, on Thursday) Whitby and Pickering Railway ; petition presented, and referred to seine Committee on Thursday ; Ditto Great Western Railway, Trowbridge, and Paddington Ditto Bristol and Gloucester Railway ; Ditto Ediuburgh Police Bill; Ditto Brighton Lewes, and Newhaven Railway Bill.

The House resolved, on Wednesday, to receive no petition for a Private Bill after the 17th of February ; not to read any Private Bill a first time 'after the 20th of March; and not to receive any Report after the 5th. of June.