4 FEBRUARY 1888, Page 1


MR. MORLEY and the Marquis of Ripon have visited Dublin this week, and have been received with an en- thusiasm which has been carefully stimulated as a counterblast to the enthusiasm shown by the cultivated and wealthy for Lord Hartington and Mr. Goschen, but which is also genuine. There is a want alike of generosity and sense in disparaging it. Men are often hearty in their desire for what will ruin them, and have been since the days of Barabbas. It does not need long lists of names to show that in Ireland five-sixths of the " classes " are on one side, and five.sixthe of the Catholic *motion of the "masses" on the other. With that gift for the scenic which Irishmen possess—it betrays them very often into absurdity, but it is a true gift, nevertheless—the entrance of the visitors into Dublin was arranged for the evening on Wednes- day, and the torchlight procession of the vast multitude, with their flaring lights and wild cries, is said to have had a magni- ficent effect. Mr. Morley, who knows those things, must have been reminded of the "March of the Mamads " on Versailles, and have laid up treasures of pictorial epigram. On Wednesday, the visitors received the freedom of the city, and held a meeting in the Leinster Hall, and on both occasions the enthusiasm was overwhelming, as much so as the welcome given to George IV. Oh! for a minute's glance at the Irish column in the Times of February 1st, 1898!