Exceptional Senses.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOH."] SIR,—I do not think instances of the survival of exceptional faculties in man are as utterly unknown as you say. I know a bright, placid,......
THE GROSVENOR GALLERY. [SECOND NOTICE.] ON the whole, the impression given by a second visit to this collection substantiates our first estimate. Despite many short- comings,......
The Rev. W. Whistler.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your issue of January 28th, I notice a racy story about the Rev. W. Whistler, once Rector of Hastings. May I match it by another......
Richard Crashaw.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") STR,—A propos of your interesting review of Mr. Tutin's selected poems of Crashaw, will you permit me to remark that Crashaw is not really so......
ENGLAND TO IRELAND. SPOUSE whom my sword in the olden time won me, Winning me hatred more sharp than a sword— Mother of children who hiss at or shun me, Curse or revile me, and......