Exceptional Senses.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOH."] SIR,—I do not think instances of the survival of exceptional faculties in man are as utterly unknown as you say. I know a bright, placid,......
The Lilies Of The Field.
I T seems to us that, in spite of the incessant discussion of the topic, the true argument for work and the true apology for idleness are almost constantly missed. It is assumed......
Letters To The Editor.
MR. S. SMITH, M.P., AND TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " $PECTITOli."] SIB,—My attention has been called to a reference to myself in your article on "Technical......
The Spirit Of Disruption.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIE, — In your issue of January 28th, you quote a story, told at Oxford by the Warden of Merton, of a Free Church minister who once offered......