Outside the capital the rioting has been continued, and during
the earlier part of the week Warsaw was the scene 'of fierce street fighting, in which it is alleged that about one thousand casualties occurred, including several hundred deaths- The soldiers seem in many cases to have got completely out of hand, and to have killed women and children in their fury. An attack was also made by some Hussars upon the British Consul-General and Vice-Consul, and the latter was seriously injured. Though there is, of course, no reason to suppose that the soldiers knew whom they were attacking, or that they acted deliberately, the incident is a most unfortunate one, and is being made the subject of diplomatic representations. We may add that we note with satisfaction the news that Maxim Gorki, the Russian novelist, has been released. It was rumoured that there was an intention to execute him, or to send him to Siberia for a long term of imprisonment.