[under This Heading We Notice Such Books Of The Week
as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] The Unemployed : a National Question. By Percy Alden, M.A. (P. S. King and Son. ls. 6d. net.)—Mr. Alden sees the main......
The Natural History Of Animals : The Animal Life Of
the World in its Various Aspects and Relations. By J. R. Ainsworth Davis, MA., Trinity College, Cambridge, Professor in the University of Wales, and Professor of Geology and......
Sketches On The Old Road Through France To Florence. By
A. H. Hallam Murray. Accompanied by H. W. Nevinson and Montgomery Carmichael. (J. Murray. 912. net.)—There have been so many books published lately with beautiful illustra-......
Bits Of Gossip. By Rebecca Harding Davis. (a. Constable And
Co. 58. net.)—The title which Mrs. Davis has chosen to give to her book does not represent its real character. It has, it is true, for the most part, the form of personal......