The Year's Art. Compiled By A. C. R. Carter. (hutchinson
and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—This volume (the twenty-sixth annual issue) contains, besides the usual matter, the Report of the Committee of the House of Lords on the administration of......
Royal And Historic Gloves And Shoes. By W. B. Redfern.
(Methuen and Co. 22 2s. net.)—Mr. Redfern divides this very handsome and interesting volume nearly equally between gloves and shoes. Historically and artistically the gloves......
The Oxford English Dictionary. Edited By Dr. James A. H.
Murray. Vol. VII., " Pargeten-Pennached." (Clarendon Press. Treble Section, 7s. 6d.)—Out of four thousand seven hundred and twenty words (all reckoned), " two only have any......
Anecdotes About Soldiers. Arranged By J. H. Settle....
Co. 8s. 6d. net.)—What is one to say about five hundred and eighty-seven closely printed pages of anecdotes, grave and gay, about soldiers of the past and present? Perhaps the......
And Eighty Castles, Giving Illustrations Of About Half...
When the subject is so large much space could not be given to any part. The book would have been more interesting—we do not say more valuable—if it had been limited to buildings......
Bits Of Gossip. By Rebecca Harding Davis. (a. Constable And
Co. 58. net.)—The title which Mrs. Davis has chosen to give to her book does not represent its real character. It has, it is true, for the most part, the form of personal......
Great Lawn Tennis Players. By George W. Beldam And P.
A Valle. (Macmillan and Co. 128. 6d. net.)—This volume, like its predecessor, " Great Golfers," is copiously illustrated with photo- graphs, taken, as Mr. Beldam explains, under......