It is understood that the Queen and Prince Albert will arrive at Stowe, the Duke of Buckingham's mansion on the 15th instant ; and that in the following week they will visit the f.hike of Wellington at Strathfieldsaye.
The children will remain at the Castle during the Queen's absence. '
It is reported that Queen Victoria and the Prince will visit Paris in the ensuing spring ; and preparations are said to be making for the reception of those illustrious visiters at Fontainbleau and Versailles.
We understand that the hopes which have been entertained by the King of Hanover and their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Hanover, on an event which was likely to add to the domestic happiness of the Royal pair, are for the present frustrated.—Morning Post.
The King of Hanover' says a German journal, has ordered that a ra0nument in honour of his late Queen be erected in front of the Palace of Herrenhausen, near his capital. It is to resemble that to Queen Louisa 'Of Prussia, and is estimated to cost 200,000 thalers.
Count Maurice Dietrichsen, the new Austrian Ambassador, arrived at Chandos House on Tuesday night. He will present his credentials to the Queen on Monday next.
The statements which have lately appeared in several of the papers, that the American Minister was to return to the United States early in the spring, have been published without authority from the Legation.—Giebas