Etc Vrobintes.
Amon g the many letters recently published by Dr. Pbillpotts respectb* the points of dispute in his diocese, is the reply to Mx. March Phillipps, who had been deputed by a......
The Workmen Of Middleton Colliery Entertained The...
Brandling, the owner, at a tea-party, on the 14th December. The number present was about three hundred and twenty or thirty ; the men's wives performing the duties of the......
Kendrew, The Man Convicted For The Murder Of Mr. Inchbald,
a farmer living near Boroughbridge, was hanged on Saturday:, at York; having previously confessed his crime. He said he committed it in revenge for a threat which Mrs hichbald......
The Dublin Evening Mail makes the following announcement, which will be more welcome in general than it seems to be to the Tory journalist " We believe we may now state with......