4 JANUARY 1845, page 8


The Dublin Evening Mail makes the following announcement, which will be more welcome in general than it seems to be to the Tory journalist " We believe we may now state with......

The Marquis Of Londonderry Is About, At Great Expense To

enlarge his port at Seaham Harbour, by the construction of a new dock of twelve acres, in extension of the present South dock; the increased traffic in the coal-trade at Seaham......

Many Outrages Are Reported This Week In Ireland,...

murders and one attempted assassination. A man has killed his brother, at O'Dorney in Kerry, during a drunken quarreL Patrick Shiel has been murdered near Strokestown in......

Gortign An Eolonfal.

FRANCE. —The Chamber of Deputies met on Friday, and proceeded to elect the President for the ensuing session. At the first ballot the numbers were—for K Sauzet, (the Ministerial......