Ebe Itletropolis.
• The Royal Exchange was finally opened on Wednesday, New Year's Day ; all the avenues were thrown open, and the merchants took possession of their "area." Some of them complain of draughts from the passages, and acoM from the unroofed quadrangle: but the draughts are to be stopped by doors; • and as to the absence of a roof, that was decided upon by a large majority of the merchants themselves, as a roof was likely to be very inconvenient in summer. On the whole, the feeling on taking possession seemed to be one of general satisfaction.
A Quarterly General Court of the Proprietors of South Sea Stock was lield on Thursday, at the Company's House. The Chairman stated, that Lisa guarantee-fund was now completed, and that the amount had been ingested in Government securities, but had not yet been transferred to the ittono of the Comminy : he moved that a dividend of ) for the half-year be paid on the Company's stock; and said the the Directors had determined to adopt a system of the most rigid ecomany in the managenient of affair' . In awswer to a quest:kip whether the surplus funds were in future tohe distributed among the proprietors, the Chairman replied, that the act of Parliament compelled the Directors to carry on affairs as they had done hitherto. Mr.'Poynder moved, that a Special Court should be summoned to Ole into censideration • the general affairs of the Company, and especially to consider whether the allowance of 300/ per annum for each 1,000,0001. of stock managed (the remuneration allowed by the Government) should not be the only remuneration to the Directors and clerks for such management. Mr. Jones mottled as an amendment, that these matters should be taken into consideration on the next Court-day : which was
carried; and the dividend having been affirmed, the Court adjourned.
The General Epiphany Quarter-Sessions for the County of Surrey were opened on Tuesday, by Mr. Thomas Bickle and a numerous bench of Magistrates. The County Treasurer produced his abstract of the countyrates ; which showed receipts to the amount of 19,8381., expenditure 13,6651.; leaving a balance of 6,272/. A rate of 2d. in the pound was granted. Mr. Freshfield, alluding to the very imperfect reports made by the prison-surgeons, moved a resolution requesting the several surgeons to agree to a uniform system, and to make their reports assimilate as much as possible to that of the Model Prison at Pentouville. The motion was agreed to. Mr. Austin, with some remarks on the backward state of prison,: discipline in the county, moved for a Select Committee to inquire into the state of the various Houses of Correction in Surrey; and to report to the Court the greatest number of prisoners placed in one cell, the size of the cells, and the greatest dimensions each prisoner had provided he was placed in a cell by himself, as well as the general accommodation as to air, and warmth, and ventilation, provided for each prisoner. The motion was generally supported, and carried without opposition; and a Committee was appointed. Some routine business disposed of, the Court adjourned till the following day.