John Green and his daughter Anne, a child nine years
old, have been coin:. milted from Worship Street Police-office on a charge of coining. In this case the coiner employed the aid of science to make his counterfeit money appear sterling, using Smees galvanic batteries to coat the base coin with Oyer. Tleijl.4
made a fierce resistance to the Police.
Bertram, an ,irbe Birmingham Railway, has been fined one , ..c ebone Police-office, for being drunk while on duty: he was found in an ash-pit, into which engines are emptied of their boiling water and firing when their work is done, and he narrowly escaped a dreadful death. _
The treatment of some mariner-apprentices has formed the subject of inquiry at a Coroner's inquest in Greenwich. It was held on the body of Joseph Mosgsn5 apprentice to Smith, am4Barldng smack-owner; the boy having died while at sea onr, d the Gem fish' -smack. The evidence was somewhat contradictory • but it was made nutnifest at the deceased and three other apprentices had cruelly treated, stinted in food, denied beds to sleep on in the smack, and so exposed to cold and wet that they were frost-bitten. The Coroner declared to Smith, that clogs in a stable were treated with more humanity than his appreaticas had been. The inquiry has been adjourned that witnesses now at sea may be brought forward. An inquest has been held on the bodies of the persons who perished in the fuel at Mr. Esrey's, in Guildford Street. The fire seems probably to have originated in the flue of an ironing-stove, which was of most dangerous construction. The flue formed at one part an acute angle, which there was no means of clearing of the soot; and there must have been the accumulation of years. The Jury ret turned a verdiot describing the facts. The house was very slightly constructed, though made to appear substantial: hence the rapidity with which it burnt and fell in. Some more human remains have been found in the ruins; probably those of the boy Robinson, though other eonjeetures have been made; several plunderers having evidently been in the wine-c4lar while the house was blazing, and on man was dragged out by the Police quite drunk.
A stone-roason has been killed, and two others very much hurt, by the breaking of a scaffold in Jerinyn Street. A great stone was placed on the sciffol4 seventy feet from the ground; and while the men were at work upon the stone, the scaffolding gave way, and they were thrown to the earth.
An infant has been suffocated in its mother's arms, at Hackney Wick; the poor woman having wrapped it up too closely, to protect it from cold while returning from a holyday party at night.
Mr. Frederick Clissold, a gentleman of property, has died at the Holly Bush Tavern, Hampstead, from taking an over-dose of prussic acid; of which dangerous medicine he was accustomed to take large quantities. Flood; a bookseller and newsvender, of Whitecross Street, killed himself on Saturday, by taking laudanum; at the same time attempting to destroy his little daughter by the same means; but the child has been saved. Grief for the loss of his wife and vexation at the went of her assistance in his business seem to have been his motives.