'SIE,-■4 enclose a ripe hedge strawberry and blossom gathered two days before Christmas. It indicates the mildness of the season, as a sharp frost would quickly cut both fruit and blossom. On October 24th, when I was dining at Calstock, . ripe garden strawberries formed part of two fruit salads. There must have been nearly a quart, having just the appear- ance and flavour of strawberries in the season. They were feathered in the adjacent strawberry gardens on the banks of the Tamar, where they are grown by the acre and despatched by the ton, daily in the season, all over England and Soothuid. I -was told that strawberries are found in the gardens nearly every year in October. It is just the same with hedge straw- berries, except last autumn, when none were to be found, owing probably to the preceding very hot summer.—I am, Sir, &c.,