On Monday The House Of Commons Reassembled In Lassitude...
a recess which had lasted a Parliamentary week. The Christmas holiday is always a period of strenuous repose, and one hardly knows whether the House or the country is the more......
A Renter Message In The Papers Of Monday Described A
demonstration at Pretoria in support of General Hertzog, whom General Botha lately removed from his Cabinet owing to his anti-Imperial speeches. General de Wet, the principal......
There Was A More Hopeful Tone As To The Outcome
of negotiations after this meeting, and it is generally felt that the main difficulty in the way of a settlement is the problem of Adrianople, a town which has many religious......
On Saturday Last The Trial Of The Forty Men Charged
with complicity in the Los Angeles dynamite outrages ended in the conviction of thirty-eight of the accused, the sentences ranging from one to seven years' imprisonment. The Los......
We Regret To Have To Record The Death Of Herr
von Kiderlen- Waechter, the German Foreign Secretary, which occurred after a brief illness at Stuttgart, where he had gone to spend Christmas. In his early days at the Foreign......
The House Of Commons Proceeded On Monday To The Discussion
of the report stage of the Home Rule Bill. There was a preliminary discussion of a time-table motion, allotting seven days to this stage, moved by Mr Asquith, and Mr. Bonar Law......
The Government, He Continued, In Framing Their Bill, Had...
Ireland as a whole, and to exclude Ulster would wreck the whole Bill. Besides, the population of Ulster was far from homogeneous; throughout the whole province Protestants stood......