The Monroe Doctrine.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR...I SIE, — In your issue of November 16th a letter appears over the signature of Seymour Ormsby-Gore entitled "Compensa- tion for Germany." In......
The Rights Of Parents.
LTO THE EDITOR OF THE n SPECTATOR,"] SIR,—As Lord Lindley frankly admits he does not know the facts of the Carter case, it is surely a little strange for him to say that Mr.......
[to Ire Editor Of The ..srecreros."1
Sra,—Will you allow me to support your appeal for a round table conference on National Training by a reference to my own experience in Kent, where I have been working for over a......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator." _1
Sfx,—With all respect to Lord Hugh Cecil, I am not ready to admit that Mr. Holland-Hibbert and I both mistake the question in discussion. I am not in the least prepared to......