NEW' Enrriows. - The Life of Sir IscraC Pitman (Inventor of Phonography).
By Alfred Baker. (Sir Isaac Pitman and Sous: 2s. 8a. net.)-Pitman was born in 1813, and a Cheaper edition of his life has been issued to commemorate the centenary.-The Future of England. By the Hon. George 'Peel. (Macmillan and Co. is. net.)-We are glad to see Ulla 'popular edition of Mr. Peel's excellent series of essays.-Undine a Tato by Pc di IS Molts Fouqu& Translated from the German by Edmund Goose; C.B., with a frontispiece by W. E. F. Britten-. (Sidgwick and Jacksore 2s. 6d. net.)-The original. edition of this translation appeared in 1896. The book contains by way of preface a critical study of La Motto Fouque by lar. Geese.