The discussion within the Unionist Party as to Food Taxes
during the week proves that the enormous responsi-
bility we have mentioned above is fully recognized. We desire to say no more than is necessary on the subject, but must record certain facts. Powerful aid for those Tariff Reformers who desire a still more definite and comforting message to take to the electors than Mr. Boner Law gave at Ashton has come from the Daily Telegraph, which asks that the Unionist leaders should undertake to submit any proposal for food duties to a second general election before making it effective. The Daily Telegraph says:—
" What is felt, with practical unanimity, to be the necessity of the situation is that before food duties are imposed they shall be constitutionally referred to the judgment of the people at another general election. What we believe to be absolutely essential is that it shall be made plain beyond all doubt, plain beyond all possibility of misunderstanding, plain beyond Radical ingenuity to misrepresent and distort, that the citizens of this country, when they vote at the next election, shall know that before any such duties can become law they will have another opportunity of recording their votes on that specific issue."