Our readers will scarcely wonder to hear that Sir E.
Tennent has been taken to task for his "Story of the Guns" in many quarters. He has replied in the current number of Fraser to the most serious attack, and writes :—" In preparing for the third impression of the 'Story of the Guns' I have not, up to the present time, found occasion to alter or to modify a single statement which appeared in the first edition." As he himself admits having placed between inverted commas, as if they had been used by others, words which are really his own, we own to being somewhat astounded at this announcement. Perhaps, however, Sir Emerson does not con- sider the omission of inverted commas to amount to the alteration or modification of a statement. • We trust it may be so, and that at least the usual signs of quotation may disappear from these passages in the next edition. For the rest we must compliment Sir Emerson on his courage, if not on his wisdom, as it seems to us after careful perusal that he has not seriously shaken one of the really grave charges against his book.