We Sincerely Regret To Record The Death Of...
Torrens, who died yesterday week (the 27th of May), in the eighty-fourth year of his age. Colonel Torrens will be re- membered chiefly by his economical writings and his......
Letters Have Been Received From Dr. Livingstone Dated...
He was then at Mozambique, and about to proceed to Bombay, having just completed a journey on foot through a range of mountains north-west of the Shiro, an account of which will......
The Following Were The Closing Transactions In The...
Securities yesterday and on Friday week :- Friday, May 27. Greek .. 24 Friday, June 3. Do. Coupons 101 11 Mexican .. 441 441 Spanish Passive 84 331 Do. Certificates 104 Turkish......
The Following Table Shows Yesterday's Closing Prices Of...
British Railways, as well as those of Friday week :- Caledonian .. Great Eastern Great Northern Great Western.. Friday, May 27. .. 119 47 1301 •• 641 Friday, June 3. 118: 471......
In The Cambridge Senate House On Tuesday Week It Was
pro- posed to confer the honorary degree of LL.D. on the Dean of Westminster, on occasion of the Prince of Wales's visit to the University, but for his literary, not for his......
Our Readers Will Scarcely Wonder To Hear That Sir E.
Tennent has been taken to task for his "Story of the Guns" in many quarters. He has replied in the current number of Fraser to the most serious attack, and writes :—" In......
On Saturday Last Consols Left Off At 91f, For Money,
and 90f for account. Yesterday the closing price was 90/, 1, both for money and time. English Mexican scrip—owing to considerable quantities of French scrip having been sold......
Two Roman Catholic Priests At Munster, In Prussia,...
says the Daily News, a lottery, in which the prizes were masses for the souls of the winners after death, and the tribunal acquitted them of any breach of the law, though it ap-......
At A Meeting Of The Social Science Association, Held Last
Monday week under the presidency of Lord Brougham, the old subject of the necessity for a reform of the Ecclesiastical Courts was once more handled in a very able paper by Mr.......
Although Good Bills Were Discounted In The Open Market On
Wednesday at 61 per cent., the Directors of the Bank of England, at their weekly meeting held on Thursday refrained from making any alteration in their minimum rate. The Bank......