4 JUNE 1864, page 15
C : Ifl Arts.
MR. HOLMA.N HUNT AND MR. R. B. MARTINEAU. THE picture which Mr. Holman Hunt has rather curiously called "The After-glow in Egypt ,, is in almost every respect the finest be has......
The Irish Education System. To The Editor Of The...
Belfast, 31st May, 1864. Ste,—I did. not see your article of the 21st on the Irish national education question until a week after publieation. I trust you will give insertion to......
The Herberts.—(second Period.)
T HE new Lord Herbert of Cherbury marrying Barbara, niece and heiress of William Herbert, third Earl and Marquiifif Powis (whose lineage we shall have presently to notice), was......