On the 5th February, at the Government House, Halifax, Nova Scotia, the Lady of his Excellency Sir Gaspard Le Marchant, of a son.
On tbe 18th, at Bath, the Wife of the Rev. F. de Soyres, of a son.
On the 22d, in Fitzwillian Square Dublin, the Countese of Courtosvn, of a son. On9tre 23d, in Porthuid Placer the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Blake, Thirty-third, -(Duke of Wellington's) 'Regiment, of a daughter. Op:tlis 234. at Errol Park, N.D., the Lady of Sir James Gardner Baird, Bart., of
On the 24th, in Princes Buildings, Clifton, the Wife of the Rev. Charles R. Dam- pier, 'teeter tif Thoniford, Dorset, Ma daughter. On the 25th. at Maichington, 'Staffordshire, Lady Harriet Vernon, of a son and heir.
Oq the 27th, st East Sheen, the Hon. Mrs. Horatio Fitaloy, of a daughter. On the 1st March, at One A.Sh..Boclidale, the Wife of John Bright, ld.p.„ daughter.
On the 2d January, at St. George's Cathedral, Madras, Charles Philip Pestling, Esq. Civil :Service, Madras, son of Lieutentud-Colonel Gostling, Commanding Royal Artiiery in Malta, to Selina Anne Mary Charlotte. daughter of Sir Vansatiart Ston- house, Bart., Accountant-General, Madras.
On the 224 February, at St. Paul's Church. Edinburgh, the Bev, Henry Herbert Stepney, son of the late Colonel Herbert Stepney, of Darrow Abbey, to Emily, youngest daughter nf the late Sir Archibald Campbell; Bart., of Succoth. • • On the 23d, at St. George's. Hanover Square, George Charles AstleyDashwood, se- cond son of Sir George Dashwood, of Eirtlingtort Park, Oxfordshire, to the lion. Harriet Anne Bateman Banbury, daughter of the late and sister of the present Lord
Bateman.- • - •
Omthe 234, at Mansergh Chapel, Kirby Lansdale, James Bryans, Esq., of Belfield, • Windermere, to Eliza, fourth daughter of the late Christopher Wilson, Esq., of Rig- mad.en park, Westmoreland.
On the 27th, at Felton Park, Northumberland, Harrlott de Trafford, youngest daughter of the late Sir Thomas de Trafford, Batt., of Trafford Park, Lancashire, to Captshe Cunningham, late of the Fourth Dragoon Guards.
On the 28th, at Ludgate Lodge, by the Rev. Lewis Balfour, D.D.. Olinton, George William Balfour, M.D., Westlield-Cramond, to Margaret Bethune, eldest. daughter of James Craig, Esq., Rath°.
On the 18th February, at Naples, Alexander, the youngest son of Baron Charles de Rothschild ; in his 19th year. On the 20th, at Lethani House, Dame M. T. Buchan Hepburn, widow of the late Sir John Buchan Hepburn' Bart., of Smeaton Hepburn. On the 234, at Margate, William Read, Esq., formerly of St. James's•Place, Lon-, don; in his 94th year.
On the 24th. in Denbigh Street, Pimlico, Commander Jams Fearnley Arnold, It.N.; in his 81st year. .
On the 24th, at Swift's House, near Bicester, Oxfordshire, Sir Henry Peyton, Bart.; in his 74th year. On the 25th, near Kelhurn, Longford, lAeutenant-General James Hay, C.B. Colonel of the Seventy-ninth Highlanders. On the 25th, at Woodstock, Colonel John Reeve Wells, C.B., late Royal Engi- neers, son of the late Admiral Wells, of Mime, Hants. On the 25th, at Medbourne Rectory, Mrs. Elizabeth Hodgson; in her 91st year. On the 280, at Goldsbro' Hall, the Lady Elizabeth Lascelles.
On the 27th, at Bonchurch, the Rev. .1. L. Richards, DD., Rector of Exeter Col- lege, Oxford, and Chaplain to 11.11.11. Prince Albert ; in his 58th year. Bauglitgn Hail, of a son.. •