4 MARCH 1854, page 19

When We Shill Have Public E'ditcation.

MnirsTeus have promised a measure on the subject of Public Edu- cation, and the public has expected one at their hands. We have ourselves, some time past, argued both for the......

110w Barristers Are Made.

Jr is never too late to learn ; but we know no instance of a de- ferred question so remarkable as that raised by Mr. Napier on Wednesday in moving for a Royal Commission......

Crystal Palace Vicissitudes And Prospects. The Crystal...

be opened in May, that is, as certainly as human calculation can make it. The huge arched palace of glass, containing the most wonderfully various specimens of art in all......

Military Gazette.

WAZ-OFFICE, Feb. 28.-Brevet-The undermentioned officers to be Brigadier- Generals while employed upon the Staff of the forces about proceeding upon a parti- cular service,......

Naval Gazette.

ADIIIRALTT, Feb. 24.-Corps of Royal Marines-Capt. J. Buchanan to be Lieut.- Col. ; Capt. H. G. Mitford to be Lieut.-Col. vice Dawes, to retired loll-pay; First Lieut. E. T. T.......