Mr. Ltiotta,underajeitt Yesterdny, A Severe And...
into, the allegedieerrliptiens of Irish Membera..A• He :complained of being unfairly ;pressed eliinied that he had madeany chergetlie had spoken on mere riuneatre'4.taral he......
An Important Deputation Is To Wait On Sir James Q
ond4y, on an important subject—the copal:option of a liathoue,pfhrefoge at the mouth of the Tyne.. There is no suchlarbour from Hatlkte,Leith. That Part of our coast ia mainly......
The Reform Club Will Entertain Vice-admiral Sir C....
minding the Channel Fleet, at dinner on Tuesday next. Lord Palmer- ston will take the chair.— Times. The following unintelligible telegraphic despatch has been received from......
SATURDAY. In the House of Commons; last night, Lord Sons: Ritessm, stated the reasons which have induced . the • Government to postpone the second reading of the Reform Bill„ In......
The Reigning Duke Of Saxe-coburg Gotha Arrived 4t Paris On
Thurs- day, and took up his abode an the Pavillion Marsan ; Where the Emperor and Empress paid him a visit. The Gotha Gazette intipastes that the ob- ject of this journey is to......
Progress Of Parliamentary Business
SELECT COMMITTEE DEPARTMENT. Ministerial. Small Arms to consider the cheapest, most expeditious, and most efficient mode of providing Small Arms-for the public service. (Mr.......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AIITERNOON. The fluctuations in Government Securities this week have been compara- tively trifling, and the speculative operations for a fall not......