The fluctuations in Government Securities this week have been compara- tively trifling, and the speculative operations for a fall not extensive ; but they have obtained the ascendancy over the investments of the public. The spread of the insurrection among the Greek population of Turkey has caused an occasional gloom ; and from the importance attached to the Cabinet Coun- cil held on Sunday, Consols declined I at the commencement of the week : they have since ranged between 91 and 911. The financial statement to be brought forward on Monday by the Chancellor of the Exchequer is viewed with much interest, as likely to produce some alteration in Stocks; and in anticipation of war a loan to Government of 10,000,0001. is sometimes hinted at. The contemplated French loan appears likely to be adjourned for the present ; the private offers not having been approved of. The rate of ex- change in Paris continues unfavourable ; and through the non-arrival of new supplies from Australia, gold in small amounts has been remitted from the Bank of England. At Amsterdam and Hamburg, the exchanges are less favourable. At St. Petersburg, they are better. At Vienna, the quotation is 12 58; and the Funds are still on the decline. The speech of the Em- peror Napoleon at the opening of the Legislative session had no effect on our Funds this morning. Later in the day, telegraphic intelligence of decline in French Rentes caused a fall of fin Consols, which leave off at 911 India Stock has improved 2 this week, and Bank Stock I. Exchequer Bills are 28. lower.
Foreign Securities continue very flat ; influenced in a great measure by general depression on the Amsterdam and other markets. A further con-
siderable fall has taken place in Russian : the payment of the dividends on this evening at 85 7. Dutch Stocks have also been particularly heavy. Spanish have receded, owing to the disturbed state of that country. The fol- lowing is the extent of the decline in the principal securities-Russian Five 5; Ditto Two-and-a-half per Cents, 4; Austrian and Sardinian, 3; Spanish Three per Cents, 24; Portuguese Four per Cents, and Buenos Ayres, 2; Five per Cents, ; Spanish Certificates, j; Mexican, 4. France, and Paris and Lyons, have declined 58.; and Paris and Strasbourg, Eastern Counties and Great Northern Companies, the reports were adopted, the Five per Cents on the let instant produced no reaction, and they close difference in some of the leading lines, compared with last Saturday's, was folk, 21. 15s.; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 21.; Bristol end Exeter, 11. 58.; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 11.; London and South-Western, 10s. ; Cale- donian, and Aberdeen, 58. Decrease-,-Great Northern, 2/. 2s. 6d.; Oxford, and Lancashire and Yorkshire, 108.; Midland, 78. 6d. ; East Lancashire, 58. Only a few transactions have occurred in Foreign Shares. Northern of 2s. 6d. Western of France have improved 6s. At the meetings of the declaring a dividend of 78. at the former, and at the latter of 4/. 18s. 3d. per cent. Today the English lipes are from 58. to 15s. lower in several instances. Foreign Shares have not altered.
per Cents, 94; Ditto Four-sad-a-half per Cents, 7; Dutch Four per Cents, Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 14; Spanish Deferred, 14; Danish was arranged on Monday, and a decline of about 108. occurred in several cases. Greater firmness has subsequently prevailed ; and last evening the Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 21.; Scottish Central, 11.; Great Western, to the following extent. Increase-Shrewsbury and Birmingham, 31.; Nor- In Railways there have been fewer dealings this week. The Account
The English Funds are fiat this morning, at a further fall of 4. Consols are now 904 i for Money and Account ; Exchequer Bills, 15 18. The bul- lion return by the Bank of England shows an increase of 32,852/. In Fo- reign Stocks, Dutch Four per Cents are I lower, they are now 84 6. Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents have improved 1, being 79 81. Railways are lower ; several sellers being on the Market. The present bargains are these -Caledonian, 551; Great Northern, 894; Great Western, 79; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 661; London and North-Western, 1014; Midland, 604; York and North Midland, 49.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account
3 per Cent Reduced
34 per Cents Long Annuities
90? a 901 a shut 92.1 i
.. , 5.1 6 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 44 per Cents 79 81 55 7 84 6 244 ? 02 4 rid.
Bank Stock 2185 194 Ditto 8 per Cents 46 8 Exchequer Bills 15 18 Portuguese 4 per Cents 34 6 India Stock 235 40 Russian 5 per Cents 85 7 rid.
Austrian 5 per Cents 75 80 Ditto 4? per Cents 79 81 Brazilian 5 per Cents 98 100 Spanish 3 per Cents 37 8 Belgian 44 per Cents 85 90 Ditto Deferred 171 i Chilian 6 per Cents 100 3 Sardinian 5 per Cents 78 N
Daniels 5 per Cents
95 Sex d. Swedish 4 per Cents 85 90