Madame Emile de Girardin has achieved great success at the Francais, by one of those brief embodiments of an idea which are so thoroughly ap- preciated by the better class of French playgoers and for which the Eng- lish seem to have no corresponding organ Whatever. A mother is plunged into the deepest grief by the false report of her son's death abroad ; and the main business of the piece is produced by the delicacy with which the joyful news of his safety and consequent return is broken to her, so as to avoid the danger of a sudden shock. The pretty and sig- nificant title of the piece is La joie fait year. The Theatre Lyrique-the least fashionable of the Parisian opera- houses-has brought out a work by a son of the celebrated Boieldieu. It is called La Fille The great Boulevard drama of the day, Ls Co8aques, has nearly at- tained its hundredth representation at the Galt&