Tuesday, Fthruary 28.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Vincent and Fenton, City Road, silk-braid-manufac- turers-Powell and Popplewell, Castleford, Yorkshire, brewers-May and Godfrey, Bury Street, St. James's, news-agents-Fricker and Bryant, lierstmonceaux, Sus- sex, brewers-Hill and Ballingall, Manchester, clothiers-T. A. and J. H. Daniel, Congleton, lime-burners-W. and J. Newby, Oldham, machine-makers-Bridge and Marsden, Pilsey, Derbyshire, coal-merchants-Noulton and Wyld, Fore Street, Lambeth, boat-builders-Dixon and Co. lenchurch Street, slop-sellers -Beresford and Galt, Manchester, letter-press-printers-Stocker and Cooke, Hall Street, City Road, proprietors of Stocker's patent compound metallic capsule-J. II. and V. .A.. Whitaker, Bath, cabinet-manufacturers-Leedham and Co. Clayton, Yorkshire, quarrymen-Stewart and Hill, Liverpool, apothecaries-Wilson and Mattinson. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, drapers-Butcher and Dolby, Maidstone, linen-drapers-J. and C. Davies, Shrewsbury, mercers-Bury and Co. Salford, bleachers ; as far as re- gards P. Wood-Horton and Shaw, Bradford, Yorkshire, joiners-Sloan and Grant, Sloane Strect, tailors -Wilson and Leadhetter, Salford, millwrights -Tebbutt and Sons, Patton, Bedfordshire, printers. Banxiterrs.-Enwaan CABA.N (and not EDWARD COFFIN as before advertised) and Jamas ViCAT junior, Strand, tailors, to surrender March 9, April 13 : solicitor, Clarke, Bedford Row ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-Janes Wiles, Crimscott Street, Bermondsey, waggon-builder, March 10, April 11 : solicitor, Hol- man and Robinson, Bridge Street, Southwark ; official, assignee, Lee; Moorgate Street -ROBERT NODES .NEWToN, New riu:k Street, Southwark, gas-engineer, March 14, April 11 : solicitor, Collins, Crescent Place, Bridge Street, Blackfriars ; official assignee, Lee, Moos-gate Street-W.4=re ml1Cli HART, Brighton, tailor, March 8, April 12 : solicitors, Liuklaters, Sise Lane ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Tuonas STANIFORTB,Sheffleld, joiner, Match 11, April 8 :" solicitor, Web- ster, Sheffield ; official assignee„ Brewin, Sheffield -Josrdni F/4147, Sheffield, shoe- manufacturer, Mardi 11, April 8 : solicitor's, Wake's, Sheffield ; Offieial mssignec, Brewin, Sheffield-He:ow H000ma, Manchester:woOd-fype-mitter, March 10, 31: solicitors, Hampson and Sons, Manchetter ; official assignee, Hornaman, Manchester. DIVIDEND/IL-March 21, klouat. Creed Lane, wine-nierehant-Slarch 23, Mason and Co. New Broad Stied, inerehanti -March 22, Webb. Nicholas Lane, merchant -Marsh 21, Cohen, Houndialitch, clothier -March-22, Ilaynee, Nottingham, lace- man-March 22; Barnfiekt jun. Mark Lane, wino-merchant-March .21, Brown, - Gloucester Terrace, New Road, draper-March 21, Ward, Upper ' Dorset Place;• Claphitin Road, printer-April 4, Henderson, Newcastle-Mpon-Tyne, draper,-March 22, Booth, Bishopwearmoutb, -ship-owner - March 22, Taylor, Manchester„ power- loom cloth-manufacturer.- CERTIFICATES.- TO le grastfail, sin fess cause Sr shown fella 49017fra,.y, on the day of ,.. . nweting.-March 22, Thomas and Co. Upper King Street, Bloomsbury, builders- March 27, Hayward, Gloucester, cook-March 23, Frame, Liverpool, stationer- March 23, Street, Exeter, cabinet-maker -March 23, Simi, Redruth, Cornwall, linen- draper-March 30, Fallarliuline• ancashire, buiide l arch Si, Clegg, Liverpool,
victualler-April 3. Spicer, Dtidi 1,ey, hatter-March 27,j vie, York, furrier-March 24, Strachan, Neweastle-upon-Tyne, brewer-April 4, etuttnion, .Nc‘vcastle draper. Dem/maim:as OF DIVIDEND13.-Stracban„ Neweastle-uPon-Tyne, brewer ; first slit': of Is. 3d. any Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon4yne--jiidley. Liverpool, tailor ; second div. of 8d. and first div. of 4s. 24d. on new proofs, any Wednesday: Morgan, Liverpool-Pinder, York, grocer; first die. of 58.4d. any.Mondayor Tues.:My ; Mope. Leeds. Stamm Smtersraavrows.-Bamy, Arbroath, ship.owner, March 9-Arman Lydox Mill, Cupar, flax-spinner, MAYO ,iSmitis: Inverness, iron-founder, March 9*
, . . . . .. .
Friday, Mardi 4. Panrszaanms DISSOLVED.- Drew and Bragg, Piccadilly, milliners -Lightburn and Garden, manufacturers of electroplated wares-0. aud . Mathew, Back Church Co. Accrington, Lancashire,. cottan-maoufacrurers-fioidfellow and ?Cu.,. Hutton Lane. Whitechapel, wheetwrighteeds and Yorkshire. lahure Company; Leeds- Standish and Crompton, Great Bolton,. unichine-makers-Bellatorand Co. Kingston; corn-factors-Walters and Hokum, Topsham. shipbuilders-Veeveri and Co. Cop- low-within-Clitheroe, linsebnraers : as regards R...•Whaller-Fuller.and co. Rathbone Place, prmtsellers-Sommerville- .and ' Demi,. • Garden Road,- St. John's Wood, gardeners-Cook and Clark, Gloucester, grocers-.-Bedford apOlmsers,, Men- cheater, masonsBrown and Wood, Wednesbdry;Stiapillhhire, grocers-Watts and Co. Maidstone, linendrapers; as far as regards 3. Wetta-s-liioyd•and.Co.-. Carnervon, attornies-L-Gilpin andCo..NeircaStlestmore;Tine, cabinet-makers-Young anc1Co. Salford, larewere-..RayanchUswiend,...51anutsnater„ law-ktationers-Parkin and Marshall, Sheffield; merchants-Finch anibPritchard;LeiteSthr, hotel-keeperal: Verity and CO. Bradford, Yorkeidre..worsted-apiiinets-“iVAlkibsouknd Monk. Patli- ham, clotli-tannfaCtrirers=-Fleltlingand ' Co. Mid,diettkr 'cotton-iffitiners-, as far as ' Glossop. RilacbinsiboRW6,;. as,ficaegegards IL Koo If.., axendell and Co. Menton: regards Tit; C. )..t!4 }10,1-7,- liscin a.raP,841), ,a4;21, others; Lancashire, card-makers; as far as regarded. OldfieldrrSinith an4,ctraveiti cOlchtelk-, ter. limmdrapere.,-,110osmayrrox A111111.1.4111,r-1111-8. ark Leadenhall St. bookseller, , B4NICTIVPTS.-Iromt aufW rrawrir rrld JOs S T91 ANernk kipper Thames .
Street, drysalters,10'antrn41 , ;Iffhteli 9, APtii ciacamliliMtting.ton;•.DCala
Street,' Flu b bury ;:offieTiVita5101.04'Nit:1101sOri,'',A, i 511f440411Petti:11Stut...'
Lombard Street Chantbairs. wora:54.4, Alarcli IA, solEllo'fa,'Diblifib'cleafie
Burby.; Suffolk ,laine;, nifiesal assignee,. 1141.v. Csiege,„treek.,4441,14p.pr71).tro ; BowErjwSerretkiatelsmaililest48trele.44 builder sadareholf?pApnl 13 i so jitter, ' .'. official , . ,Ch.a.d
toni So anstulSeeti, t6Y Square; -"vilithi7,:riatt Strmt-IrgitN N bEand Imams GODIMEY :, Souhr , gad nee , fh 14, April 11: solicitora,,_andray nd.x.4u,
-1 Basinghall Street; offleiali.paog,Fer,44 tf,,,str c-r.tuAaa.s.a, liovaiwas; Broadt Street, Malden. Square,. ,stirgeop. 8 4.4iri its aohczanrc, Preston, Austihfriars;..ofIleial assighte,.Lee, Mporgateditettetr.Joe,Reothartmv,St.'Albans; victuifter, Marti( 14, Aprill 10 -; • solicitor, Reedianatt.r Brishiiiialk treett, official' assigriffe, Stans1t4d, All Street— AllEP ” st, mai p ' inVt, March 21, A,pril 11 :. solleAk, V" 41',,,itiagtv,Ve 4 6 it, Birmtng- b.- babo-liErinv 'ENDAC i , 4 en . air , rte. er, ., s. 1 ra 19: solicitor, Fryer, Exeter,. offiehd apeigmete„- irtr.el,,Ssasteprikiad :,:ciontax and. WILLIAB' 8101134VNII STIRldt44' LeedsN,sminCoundgra,,,Vamih, 0,4pri IA, solicitors; Taylor,' Bradford; Blackburn,. Leeds ; .official eesigeee. ,:linenss, ....eedstadowsier ,Holtarh;•! Leeds., dyer, March 24., -Arill 7: •solicitor, •Mild edaL,Milmal _assignee, Young, Leeds-Jelin WIIIINEY, Biricenliesd,.euriter; isfareli
i i1 AC Apio444solicti3r,,- Tyrer IfiverpcO1s Ofddlesignet.hargkhi10311&rA Vilialli-ti' Man-
chester, • merchant, . 5Irwch 236 r April 27 ;...esdicitera,,Norfiss,- -lifthrefigsler; 'official. assignee, Romanian, Maneltester,dameaMirpugiJ,Lasyrox.-MandhellIkei 'Wircollen- warehouseman, March 15, April 6: solicitors, Salecand:Go, Man-Flinger{ ;.plfiCial as- signee, Pbtt, Mancheeter-JOsimt BRAnwzra., 34tUschetter.,,butelier, NI5r511 17, April-7 : solicitor, Heath; Manchester; 'Official hisignee,,,Ffeenanian, Mancheateri Digunistos:-March 18, Noble, Charles Street, '. ,St., eekkEe's East, stoP•manufac- turers7--March 25. Homersharn, Russell Street, Be, rothitey, woolstapler-March 25, Johnsen, York Buildings, Adelphi, coal-March-Oarch ' 30, Maclean, 'Giver Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, brickmaken-March 24. Greaiesc,Fialt Street ligi, . leatherseller-lilarch 27, Johnson, Broad Street, Buildings, meic,InOtkIerell 27, Hollis, ilishopstoke, miller-March 27, Kaye;.Plinliom. coal-merchant-March •24,. Therese, Ebury Street, builder-March 24., Hemet, Duke Street, Westminster, railway-contractor -March 24, Bedford, Wakefield,. cloth-merchant-March 24, Spencer, Bradford, Yorkshire, top-Maker-Mardi 25, Morita, -Sheffield Moot, Sheffield, draper - lilarch 28, Bond, Huddersfield, ' bookseller - March 27, Clay, Haifa:, fancy cloth-manufacturer- March 24, liackeusie, Liverpool, ship- broke-March 24, Gibson, Waterloo, Liverpool, inn-keeper-March .30, Kent, Taunton, plumber-March 30, Sims, Redman, linen-draper-March 30, Street, ' Exeter, cabinet-maker, CERTIPICATES.-7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. -March 24, Taylor jun. Charlton, Kem, builder-March 24, Hardwick. Windsor, linen-draper-March 24, Roper, Church Street, Hackney, chemist-March 24, Lane, Norwood, brewer-March 28, Frudd, Manchester, innkeeper-March 2.4,
Robinson, Halifax, linen-draper-March 25, Howitt, Sheffield Moor, Sheffield, dra- per-March 24, Brunton, Bradford, Yorkshire, joiner.
DECLARATIONS or DIVIDENDS.-Alason. Dover, draper; first div. of Is. any Wed- nesday ; Lee, Moorgate Street -M'Kerow, Hull, draper; third and final div. of 2s. 104. any Tuesday ; Carrick, Hull-Salmon, Manchester, leather-seller; first div. of 5401. any Tuesday: Pott, Manchester-/laining, Cheltenham, grocer; first div. of 3.1. any Wednesday; Miller, BristoL