Tan Qum: and the Royal Family witnessed the parade of the Firet Battalion of the Scots Fusiliers on Tuesday. morning, from the balcony ' of Buckingham Palace previously to their marching for Portsmouth en route for the East. Her Majesty and Prince Albert have taken out- door exercise daily. On Tuesday they attended the performances at the Hayinarket, and on Thursday at the Princess's Theatre. On Wednesday, accompanied by the Princess Royal and the Princess Alice' they visited the Tower of London. Her Majesty has twice called on the Duchess of Gloucester, who is suffering from indisposition.
The Earl of Aberdeen has had two audiences of the Queen ; and the Earl of Clarendon has also had an audience. The Royal children enjoyed the amusement of Aatley's Amphitheatre on Tuesday afternoon. Among the guests at Buckingham Palace this week, have been the Duke of Newcastle, Sir William and Lady Molesworth, Lord and Lady Lyndon, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Disraeli, Mr. Philip Pusey, Sir George Brown, Lord Raglan, Colonel Eyre, and the Portuguese, Spanisir, Sar- dinian, and Brazilian Ministers.