All the accounts from Russia concur as to the attitude
of the Palace towards General Skobeleff. The Czar is bitterly annoyed at the General's imprudent language in France, and he has been ordered to repair to St. Petersburg, by a route arranged sou as to exclude Slav demonstrations. On his arrival, it is believed that the Emperor, instead of sending him to his great command at Minsk, as was at first intended, will order him into retire- ment on his own estates. Very powerful influence will, how- ever, be exerted in his favour ; and it should be noted that the Government of Russia, which seems often so harsh, rarely de- grades tried servants, or even leaves them without employ. General Skobeleff, it is stated, himself expects to be placed en disponibiliti, and to be recalled to command as soon as war- breaks out. He denies peremptorily the reports that he ever intended to play Tchernaieff's ine, or accept any command of Irregulars.