Our Brother In Black : His Freedom And His Future.
By Atticus G. Haygood, D.D. (Phillips and Hunt, Now York.)—Here we have a calm and rational utterance on the subject of the negro population from a genuine Southerner, a man who......
Novets.—lady Gleadonwyn. By James Grant. 3 Vols. (tinsley...
not like Mr. Grant's " novels " as much as we like his "romances." The fact is that he is not very skilful in dress- ing up his characters in the costume of modern society. The......
The Newspaper Press Directory For 1882. (c. Mitchell And...
From the thirty-seventh annual issue of this useful directory, we learn that there are now published in the 'United Kingdom 1,817 newspapers, distributed as follows :—London,......
Mechanical Industries Explained, By Alexander Wall (w....
Johnston), gives practical directions for the following of a great variety of arts and employments. Some sixty of these are enumerated and described, ranging over almost every......