4 MARCH 1882, page 2

In The Division List, It Is Noticeable That The Home-rule

party were nearly equally divided. At least 14 of the genuine Home- rnlers voted with the Government, not liking the appearance of siding against the Irish Land Act; while 16......

Then Came Mr. Gladstone's Great Speech On The Question Of

policy, one of the most powerful of his many powerful efforts. He denied any intention to censure the action of the Lords, apart from the necessary censure on the policy which......

Mr. Blennerhassett's Bill For The Abolition Of...

rise on Wednesday to a sharp and sensible debate. The landlords' advocates, of course, condemned the Bill, nominally on the ground that they would be compelled to demand rents......

The Debate Of Thursday Night Was Not Very Instructive....

it was kept up almost wholly by Home-rulers and by Conservatives, the Solicitor-General for Ireland being the only speaker for the Government. He, however, completely answered......

A Lover Of Shakespeare, On Hearing Mr. Gladstone's...

the right of the Irish Judges to refuse to answer the ques- tions of the Lords Committee, quoted Glendower's remark in Henry IV., — " I can call spirits o'er the vasty deep ;"......

Mr. Bradlaugh Has Been Returned Again For Northampton By A

majority very slightly diminished from that of last year. He polled on Thursday 3,796 votes, against 3,688 given for the Conservative Member, Mr. Corbett. No other Liberal......

The Attorney-general On Tuesday Moved That Michael...

Meath, being still under sentence for a felony- treason—was incapable of election. He quoted precedents,but, of course, relied on the statute of 1870, under which a person con-......

All The Accounts From Russia Concur As To The Attitude

of the Palace towards General Skobeleff. The Czar is bitterly annoyed at the General's imprudent language in France, and he has been ordered to repair to St. Petersburg, by a......

It Is Reported From Cairo That Arabi Bey Is Losing

his ascend- ancy, that his comrades murmur at the non-fulfilment of his promises, and that some of the Notables begin to feel the power of the Assembly. It is supposed,......

The Latest Intelligence From Herzegovina Is Unfavourable...

is affirmed at Cettinje that General Jovanovich ordered a strong force to seize a position commanding the- Drina, held by the insurgent leader Kovacsevic. The insurg- ents......