The latest intelligence from Herzegovina is unfavourable to Austria. It
is affirmed at Cettinje that General Jovanovich ordered a strong force to seize a position commanding the- Drina, held by the insurgent leader Kovacsevic. The insurg- ents defended their position desperately, and the Austrians were repulsed, with a loss of 300 men, their adversaries losing only 15. If the story is true, the Austrians must have attempted to cross the river under fire ; and though it may be exaggerated,. the report will bring hundreds to the Herzegovinian standard.. The weather is still infamous, snow falling heavily; but by all accounts the insurrection- is spreading, and the Montenegrins more and more difficult to restrain. The Mussulmans of Bosnia, moreover, whom the Government has tried to conciliate,. express sympathy with the insurgents, who have plenty of arms, a fine position, and the hope of assistance from all Slays.. The subjugation of the country is inevitable, if no foreign Power intervenes ; but it may be a very tedious and sanguinary affair.