The debate of Thursday night was not very instructive. Indeed,
it was kept up almost wholly by Home-rulers and by Conservatives, the Solicitor-General for Ireland being the only speaker for the Government. He, however, completely answered Mr. Sexton's attempt to prove that the Land Act coald have no tangible fruits for something over a dozen years ; while of the Conservative speeches, Sir Michael Hicks- Beach's was the most remarkable, since he really conceded that no inquiry which threatened the tenants with any diminution of the advantages conferred by the Land Act ought to be countenanced, though he desired to inquire into the best means of assisting the ruined landlords to sell their pro- perty to their tenants on the best terms. The debate was again adjourned till Monday, and will be then commenced by Mr. Russell, Q.C., who will, no doubt, deliver a brilliant defence of the Government.