Familiar Allusions. Edited by C. G. Wheeler. (Chatto and Windas.)—This
handbook of miscellaneous information was originally began by the late Mr. A. Wheeler, and was designed and intended as a companion volume to his "Dictionary of the Noted Names of Fiction." Among its miscellaneous information, it gives the names and descriptions of celebrated statues, paintings, buildings, streets, natural curiosities, and the like ; but some of the details in connection with the foregoing must have been written and compiled some time ago, and printed without correction. For instance, the mounted Sentries at the Horse Guards are described as being relieved every
two hours, whereas they are now relieved every hour. Again, one at least of the old trees mentioned (in connection with Queen Eliza- beth) as still standing, has been down some time. Still, it is in the main an interesting book, and one that will prove useful to the general newspaper reader.