A case concerning which there has been a great deal
of talk terminated on Tuesday. Mr. Robarts, Remembrancer of the City of London, was charged by a clerk in the office with " mutilating and tampering with the books." Upon this charge, the Corporation removed Mr. Robarts. That gentleman contends that he holds the office during good behaviour, and cannot be removed, and to settle the point of behaviour, laid a criminal informa- tion for libel against Mr. Lister. Mr. Lister entirely dis- claimed any imputation of dishonesty againt Mr. Robarts,
and the evidence showed that the Remembrancer, whose foible is obviously over-zeal, had cut and altered the books in order to assist in a clearer method of keeping the accounts. It was not a wise thing to do, but the doing of it did not affect character in any way; and on this being clearly acknowledged, Mr. Robarts withdrew his plaint. He will now, we presume, fight to the end the far more difficult question of the Corporation's right to dismiss him without misbehaviour, a question depend- ing on the precedents of centuries.