[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—At the General Election the Labour-Socialists and Communists will make a desperate bid for power. Approxi- mately, £40,000 per week is being spent on revolutionary propaganda in this country alone. Thousands of meetings are held by Revolutionaries each week. It is of the utmost importance that the workers should understand that they will be the greatest sufferers if Labour-Socialist candidates are returned. This is where the work of the British Empire Union is needed and is effective, as was proved by the great success which attended our campaigns against the Labour- Socialists at the last London County Council and Guardians' Elections. Those in authority attributed this great Labour- Socialist defeat largely to our meetings. In the case of the L.C.C. only sixteen Labour candidates were returned out of a total of ninety-seven.
The danger of the capture of the Government by the Labour- Socialists has been emphasized by leading politicians of both Parties. The non-Party attitude of the B.E.U. will be strictly maintained. The B.E.U. appeals to all who realize the vital necessity of preventing the return of Labour- Socialist candidates to contribute to its £10,000 Campaign Fund. We have to combat the revolutionary and predatory spirit which has been inculcated in the minds of the workers, and also to impress on them that they will be the greatest sufferers by a levy on capital. Owing to the imminence of the General Election, every day is of vital importance. A speedy response is urgently necessary.—I am, Sir, &c.,