The Cloak Of Gold. By John Hastings Turner. (chapman And
Hall. 7s. lid. net.)—The Cloak of Gold is the romantic illusion under shelter of which we enter into marriage ; at first we feel warm and happy, but with the passage of years *......
GENEVRA'S MONEY.* IN Genevra's Money Mr. E. V. Lucas has given us a handful of very small change scarcely worth the counting, and he must not expect our gratitude. Mr. Lucas has......
Poets And Poetry.
LAST POEMS.f I SUPPOSE that we have all of us—as we handled at last some long-expected volume—wondered about all the different im- pacts that this very book will be causing in a......
Miss EVELYN Scorr's novel suffers in immediate appeal from the fact that it deals only with neurotics ; with people whom our pride prevents us from believing in any way like......