4 NOVEMBER 1922, page 22

The Cloak Of Gold. By John Hastings Turner. (chapman And

Hall. 7s. lid. net.)—The Cloak of Gold is the romantic illusion under shelter of which we enter into marriage ; at first we feel warm and happy, but with the passage of years *......


GENEVRA'S MONEY.* IN Genevra's Money Mr. E. V. Lucas has given us a handful of very small change scarcely worth the counting, and he must not expect our gratitude. Mr. Lucas has......

Poets And Poetry.

LAST POEMS.f I SUPPOSE that we have all of us—as we handled at last some long-expected volume—wondered about all the different im- pacts that this very book will be causing in a......


Miss EVELYN Scorr's novel suffers in immediate appeal from the fact that it deals only with neurotics ; with people whom our pride prevents us from believing in any way like......