We Are Not In The Least Surprised At The Result.
It was inevitable. If in the London Boroughs and elsewhere where Labour had a clear majority it had regarded itself as in a position of trust and had made it its duty, though......
If The Facts Are Really As Stated—of Which We Can
profess to have no first-hand knowledge—we do not wonder at Moscow being . dumbfounded. We, of course, have no possible right to make any objection to Mr. Clynes, if he likes,......
The Result Of The Borough Elections Has Been A Veritable
landslide for Labour, not only in London but throughout the country. As we write the full figures are not available, but unless the first declared elections prove not to be fair......
The National Liberal Party-the Party From Which Mr. Lloyd...
evidently dreamt of founding a kind of Berserk bodyguard so strong and so numerous that it would make him master of the situation—has been gradually melting away. It has been......
But Here Is A Secret Telegram Apparently Only Divulged By
an accident or by the casualness of the Moscow authorities. The cipher precautions seem to show that Mr. Clynes realized that he had nothing to be proud of in inviting a foreign......
One Example Of The Extraordinary Ineptitude, And Worse,...
the Labour Party is led, is to be found hi Mr. Henderson's speech, never repudiated et anima, against all private enterprise. Still worse, however, is the amazing 'revelation of......
We Publish' Elsewhere An Interesting Letter From Colonel...
Unionist candidate in South Devon. Colonel Mildmay gives with great force the reasons, which we have also constantly urged in these columns, for retaining the name of Unionist......
It Is No Use For Mr. Lloyd George And His
supporters to talk about any pact, for there never was a pact. Though Mr. Lloyd George insisted upon taking up a hostile attitude, Mr. Bonar Law sincerely hoped, and no doubt......