Ban 'em all
From Mr Alan Carcas Sir: Ross Clark (Banned wagon, 21 Octo- ber) thinks fireworks are only available for the three weeks up to Bonfire Night. So why, in my neighbourhood, have we been suffering for the past month from regular multi-detonations of fireworks — and not your penny-banger type, but more the heavy detonations reminiscent of the Blitz — at all hours of the night?
Ross Clark's idea that these are free citi- zens celebrating the freedom of Guy Fawkes in a generation that thinks the Bat- tle of Britain was in 1066 and has difficulty in expressing anything intelligent about the production of acorns or milk, beggars belief. They are simply hooligans whom our sadly understaffed police force wouldn't be allowed to discipline, even if they had the bodies to catch them.
Fireworks to celebrate freedom? Whose particular freedom might that be, Mr Clark? Certainly not those who want a peaceful night's sleep. Ban them: fireworks and hooligans.
Alan Carcas
Liversedge, West Yorkshire